PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
  that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.

PICOTEAM Ltd. PICO Southern Africa PICO Uganda PICO Tanzania PICO Latin America
PICO Academy for Practitioners PICO Knowledge Networking

Our Experiences

Project Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America   
Duration 1995 - ongoing
Country / Region Brasil, Chile, Germany and Dominican Republic
Services delivered Planning and implementation of diverse forestry tasks in a management unit (Forst-Revier) of about 1,200 ha (State Forestry Administration):
  • Annual planning and implementation of multiple forestry tasks – harvest of mature stands, thinning, afforestation, log qualification, logging, maintenance and installation of forest infrastructure (roads, hauling paths), marketing of logs, game management
  • Management of forest personal
  • Advisory of private forest owners (smallholders)
Developing and applying Participatory Forest Management concepts together with CONAF (State Forestry Administration), GTZ and KfW in Southern Chile:
  • Development of forest management plans for smallholder forestry (including participatory forest inventory)
  • Training courses for forest technicians and smallholders
  • Co-ordination of the participatory forestry extension program at regional level
  • Training, coaching and technical advisory of extension teams
  •  Implementation of small-scale forestry experiments
  • M& E and further development of the project.
Planning, implementation and monitoring of diverse measures in order to manage the damages caused by the hurricane “Lothar”:
  • Co-ordination, M & E of forest companies
  • Qualification and measurement of round wood
  • Marketing of round wood
  • Co-ordination of logistics
Advising the watershed management project PROCARYN (Proyecto de la Cuenca Alta del Río Yaque del Norte) with respect to participatory forest management together with KfW and GTZ:
  • Developing concepts for sustainable forest management at catchment level
  • Integrating different actors (GO and NGO) in a joint initiative towards sustainable forest management
  • Training of technical forestry staff
  • Advising the National Forestry Chamber in strategic issues
  • Development of forest management plans for smallholder forestry (including participatory forest inventory)
  • Qualifying and Marketing of forest products
Advising and partly managing a private forest enterprise in Southern Brasil (State of Santa Catarina):
  • Organization of all labours of reforestation stands in different ages – planting, pruning, thinning, harvesting, enrichment plantings with native species, sell of forest products
  • Planning and implementing all infrastructure measures
  • Sawing round wood and adding value through furniture production
Management of a private mid-scale reforestation and agro-forestry project in the Dominican Republic:
  • Organization of land acquisition for investors
  • Preparation of all reforestation measures – producing seedlings, land preparation, planting, starter fertilization
  • Organization of all maintenance measures – weed control, thinning, pruning
  • Establishing small and diversified agro-forestry plots
Achievements 120 smallholder farmers with legal forest management plans embracing 10,500 hectares of natural forests in Southern Chile

60 smallholder farmers with legal forest management plans embracing 3,500 hectares of natural forests and forest plantations in one watershed in Dominican Republic

Many smallholder farmers sold the first time in their life legally forest products

Forestry Technicians with improved skills on sustainable forest management

National forestry authorities in Chile and Dominican Republic integrated practical elements of sustainable forest management into their official management instruments

Creation of practical and economically viable examples for sustainable forestry in various eco-zones in different countries
Partners CONAF (Chilean State Forest Administration)

Ministry for Environment and Natural Resources (Dominican Republic)

Forestry Commission of the State of Baden-Württemberg and the State of Bayern (Germany)

Ambiente Florestal Ltda. (Brasil)

private investors (Dominican Republic)

numerous farmer organisations
Funding Organisation GTZ, KfW, DED and private investors
PICOTEAM members involved Henning Peter
Links / Publications

Peter, H. (2004) “Disillusion and hope of smallholders in Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic: is PROCARYN the right way to change the trend of forest deterioration”, in Baumgartner, D. M. (eds.) Proceedings of Human Dimensions of Family, Farm and Community Forestry, IUFRO International Symposium, March 29 – April 1, 2004, Washington State University, Pullman, USA: 213 pp.



Peter, H. (2000) “El rendimiento sostenido en el manejo de los bosques: el desafío para Chile de una nueva definición”, in Bosque Nativo, No. 24, Agrupación de Ingenieros Forstales por el Bosque Nativo (AIFBN), Valdivia, Chile, 7-10: 30 pp.



Peter, J. H. y Gascón C., A. (1998) “Policirculación: un nuevo concepto forestal”, en Chile Forestal, Año XXIII, No. 267, Santiago, Chile, 20-22: 60 pp.
